February MCBA Meeting
Our regular
lunch meeting is scheduled for Monday, February 15, 2016. We will begin the meeting 15 minutes
early, at 11:45 a.m., due to a special presentation. Our meeting will take place at Tribeca,
located at 127 Market House Square. The
price of the lunch is $12.50 (including tax and gratuity). Please bring either cash or a check made
payable to “McCracken County Bar Association.”
Gullett of Lawyers Mutual Insurance Company of Kentucky will be our
speaker. The topic will be “What Your
Office Support Staff and You Need to Know About Your Professional
Responsibility for Non-Lawyer Assistants.”
This program has already been approved by the Kentucky Bar
Association for one full hour of Ethics CLE credit. Due to the length of the program, we expect
to adjourn about 1:15 p.m., so please plan your schedule accordingly if you
intend to claim the full hour of ethics credit.
Please RSVP
to belinda@ml-lawfirm.com
by close of business on Thursday, February 11, 2016, so that we can provide an
accurate lunch count to Tribeca.